if you whant to make your own

me # i like to injoy alot of my time by my self when i can even thoghe i like to spend time with others i allso like to cook i can cook allmost anyhting most the time with good results
my family # have a mom dad grandfather and an uncul a sister plus an aunt
my freinds # i have seven freind we all like to eat together and hang out at lunch among other places
my hobbies # my hobbies are rideing my bike around the park or nighborhood
my activities # my activities are usaly envolv playing games on the computer
my schedule
my schedule # P1
first hour # 7:45 - 8:38 AM LL - ACADEMIC LAB 615 - Cowan M
second hour # 8:38 - 9:31 AM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 326 - Davis P
third hour # 9:31 - 10:24 AM LEARNING LAB-MATH II 525 - Rommel H
fourth hour # 10:24 - 11:18 AM Advisory-10 206 - Carroll A
fith hour # 11:34 - 12:18 PM WEB DESIGN I 324 - Pullam H
sixth hour # 12:27 - 1:20 PM WORLD HIST 305 - Anderle M
seventh hour # 1:20 - 2:13 PM PHYS SCIENCE 201 - Beaton A
eighth hour # 2:13 - 3:00 PM LEARNING LAB-ENG II 502 - Page A